Thursday, March 2, 2017

Week of feb 27

Hello Whole Note Families!

We began our artist unit this week. We learned about Michaelangelo and we painted our own mural upside down.  We began reading books about Lichtenstein and his drawings. Some of the children have now created their own version of Lichtenstein. 

We had your children color their own superhero. They also told us if they could have one super power what would it be and why. 
Klaudia would make potions so animals can talk
Micah to shoot poisonous water at bad guys 
Noah climb up buildings and sleep standing up
Cohen to jump really high 
Tim to control other people's minds 
Aiden shoot water from his eyes 
Sasha to be invisible and fly 
Hugo shoot lasers out of my eye and get money to buy toys 
Adam to cast spells on people 
Danny flying fast and to own every store in the world 
Tihan poke power 

Your children had a fun filled week celebrating Dr Seuss' birthday. We played lots of games including ring toss around the Seuss characters, pin the hat on the cat and had several photo frames to play with. We got together as a school to celebrate and enjoy lots of Seuss treats. They enjoyed Mr. Browns chocolate milk, the lorax cheese puffs, green eggs and ham pretzel treats and one fish two fish blue jello. A great time was had by all! We read lots of his stories throughout the week.

The children also finished working in their workbooks and reviewed the letters as well as writing words.

Have a nice weekend, see you all on Monday!
Miss Susan and Miss Sara 


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